From Rome

Last post until I get home. Sorry about the lack of photos since I left Paris, its just too hard to find an internet place that will let me connect my camera. There will be over 900 for me to sort through when I get home, so there will be a 'collection' shortly after I get back.

Rome is great, there is old stuff everywhere :P Lots of walking and streets that don't make sense means more walking. It is a lot more expensive than Berlin thats for sure.

Sitting in Berlin

Howdy all.

Berlin is pretty different from the other cities I've visited so far. Best of all everything is cheap (relatively) with a pint of beer costing between €1.80 and €3 - very good value. The fact that all of the beer is great just happens to be a bonus.

There's 3 Americans staying in my room so I've spent most of my time with them, its been great having other people to talk to/get up to mischief with.

I leave for Amsterdam on Sunday and will be there for 5 days and will try and get some new photos up there.

PS: There is sun in Berlin - Hurrah!!


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Adventures with James by James Drewe is licensed under a
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