Ok, seeing how I'm not on holidays any more I figure I can post whatever the hell I want to.

I'm not sure if I'm late for this bandwagon, but I'm really enjoying Flight of the Conchords lately. We don't get the show in Australia, but a friend sent me a youtube link to one of their songs and now I have to see the rest of the show. And thanks to the wonders of the internet, I can! The first season is great so far (only 3 episodes in), but I already have found out that there is at least 2 things I like about New Zealand. Great snowboarding would be the first, Flight of the Conchords is the second.

New photos!

Ok, I've finally got a gallery up, its not as functional as I would've liked, but you'll be using, not me. I'm still in the process of uploading Amsterdam and Rome, but enjoy what I have put up. Click here to see the photos

Photos are down

All links to photos from my holiday are coming down while I process a collection of them (i.e shrink them to something viewable) and then I'll throw them back up again.

From Rome

Last post until I get home. Sorry about the lack of photos since I left Paris, its just too hard to find an internet place that will let me connect my camera. There will be over 900 for me to sort through when I get home, so there will be a 'collection' shortly after I get back.

Rome is great, there is old stuff everywhere :P Lots of walking and streets that don't make sense means more walking. It is a lot more expensive than Berlin thats for sure.

Sitting in Berlin

Howdy all.

Berlin is pretty different from the other cities I've visited so far. Best of all everything is cheap (relatively) with a pint of beer costing between €1.80 and €3 - very good value. The fact that all of the beer is great just happens to be a bonus.

There's 3 Americans staying in my room so I've spent most of my time with them, its been great having other people to talk to/get up to mischief with.

I leave for Amsterdam on Sunday and will be there for 5 days and will try and get some new photos up there.

PS: There is sun in Berlin - Hurrah!!

Originally I had planned to stay in Amsterdam for 8 nights but unfortunately the first 4 nights were double booked. Looking to avoid sleeping on the streets I paid a visit to STA travel. Here's what my next two weeks look like:

- On May1 I fly to Berlin (Germany for those of you playing at home) for 3 nights.
- Catch a train to Amsterdam for 4 nights.
- Fly to Dubrovnik (Croatia) and stay in a hotel for 3 nights
- Do some island hopping in the Adriatic Sea for ~5 days. It will be summer here on May 1, so fingers crossed for some great weather.
- Catch a ferry from Split (Also in Croatia) to Ancona (full points if you can guess the country).
- Then I will have about 1 week to travel through Italy (just gave away the answer for Ancona) until I fly out of Rome on May 19.

Greetings from Regent St, London. Getting my photos from Paris up here is proving a bit harder than I first thought. The internet at the hostel here is pretty expensive and throwing up photos takes a bit of time. I'm standing in the Apple store in Regent St typing this to save a few £. 

I'm off to Berlin on Thursday for 4 days, then to Amsterdam for 5 before I head down to Croatia for some island hopping before I get into Italy.

I won't promise photos soon, but I'll try.

Photos from Zurich

Problems with photos

The photos arent uploading. I'll solve this is Paris

Update: have fixed the issue with photos not loading, but dont have access to ftp until I get to Paris. There will be photos damnit!

After 8 hours on a plane and then 4 hours sitting in Changi Airport (Singapore) i feel that I may have lost some of my dashing good looks. Imagine what I looked like when I landed at Zürich.

(Yes the photo is on it's side, no i don't care and no, I won't be fixing it for 4 weeks until I get home)

Changi Airport

This place is fucking huge! I've been told I should have a swim ni the pool here, no one told me that it would be at the other end of the complex which is a good 30 minute walk. Needless to say it shits all over the Brisbane International airport which you can walk in 10 mins if you are slow...and have a broken ankle.

I'm going for a swim before I do my next 13 hour leg. Speak to you in Zurch

First Post

So I figure the easiest way to show off any photos / have a rant while I'm away would be a blog. I told myself I wouldn't do this, but here I am setting this thing up the morning I leave.

I don't know how often I'll be updating this - I'll try for once a week. If you really want to know about what I'm doing, I'll be updating my Twitter feed pretty regularly, its over here on the right --->

For those of you who I haven't told, I'm going to Europe for 4.5 weeks (here on out referred to as Eurotown) and traveling through Switzerland, France, UK, Netherlands (or Holland is you prefer) and Italy. First stop will be Singapore for 4 hours then straight on to Zurich.

Pics and stories to follow.


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Adventures with James by James Drewe is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.5 Australia License
Template by GeckoandFly